audit, assurance and strategy
Our audits can cover as much or as little as you’d like. Our Monitoring & Quality Assurance specialists are highly experienced in senior leadership in the SEN and education sector, and are handpicked by us so that you can be assured of the very best quality of support and intervention.
Prior to any involvement, our staff will work with you to plan out the scope of the work, what you’re hoping to achieve and come up with a draft plan of action. All our involvements with you will include a feedback session and summary report with pertinent recommendations.
Our prices are scaled dependent on your specific needs and context, so please do get in touch with us to see how we can support you.
BRONZE package | from £575
Half a day onsite or online. Examples include:
SILVER package | from £895
A full day onsite or online, plus data/evidence review. Examples include:
GOLD package | from £1795
At least 2 full days onsite, plus data/evidence review. Examples including:
PLATINUM package | from £2995
Ongoing intervention throughout the academic year, including at least half-termly visits, one training session and termly progress reports. Examples including:
About SpikyProfile
(C) 2024 | Spiky Profile Ltd.
Company Number: 15586843
Registered Address: 54 Gledhow Wood Avenue, Leeds, LS8 1NX
Services for schools
SEN casework support services